Services we Offer

Community Services

Annual Gift of Sight Program

In November 2008, Eye Associates of Boca Raton held its first ever Gift of Sight program. This annual event takes place on Tuesday before Thanksgiving each year to provide eye surgery to those who are need, uninsured and have no means to pay for their much needed care. Howard Goldman, MD has been the catalyst for the program and instrumental in getting the physicians, surgical supplies, and medications donated to the event. Other physicians within Eye Associates of Boca Raton who volunteer their time and services include Dr. Douglas Kohl, and Dr. Mark Weiner. The Outpatient Surgery Center of Boca Raton, our own surgery center donates their facility and medical staff as well to this worthy cause.

Volunteer ophthalmologists at the Caridad Clinic in Boynton Beach, Dr. Howard Doyle and Dr. Louis Feldgoise identify patients who are in need of eye surgery and qualifies them for their cost-free procedure.

If you know of anyone who is need of this service and may not be able to afford eye surgery, please have them contact our office to discuss the Gift of Sight program.

Free Stuff

As a community service, Eye Associates of Boca Raton offers the following services at no charge.

  • Botox® Screening
  • Juviderm® Screening
  • Cataract Screening
  • Glaucoma Screening
  • Eyelid Screening
  • Hearing Screening
  • Lasik Screening
  • Complementary eyeglass cleaning and adjustments
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Find Our Office

950 N.W. 13th Street Boca Raton, FL 33486
Fax: 561.391.3744

Toll-Free: 800.842.2447
Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 24 hour emergency services are available.